The bucolic perfectly situated Caledon Central Pool is being threatened with being permanently closed.
Here is a perfect opportunity for our Village Associations to speak forcefully about something that has brought immeasurable benefit and pleasure to the many thousand that reside within the Caledon Hills.
Please raise your voices in a clear resounding chorus and say “No” to the pool closure!
Contact your local alderman, regional councilor or even the Mayor. Keep in mind that the pool was paid for many years ago. Today’s world provides us with a near perfect opportunity to borrow funds at almost unprecedented low rates. So Lets get on with the budgeted repairs and bring years of swimming lessons and that sense of social enjoyment found only at your local pool to our community.
For more information see SUPPORTING the RE-OPENING of the CALEDON POOL
One thought on “Supporting the Re-Opening of the Caledon Pool”
Thank-you for your support.
Unfortunately the Town has decided that the cost to fix is far greater than the perceived future utility. Hopefully they will soon replace the old pool with a new pool in the same area.
West Caledon now despretely needs a new pool.!!! This social deficit will only become a reality if concerned citizens like yourself. Repeatedly remind the Town fathers of their social responsibility before this will become a viable reality. Please ask your friends and colleagues to contribute to this truly worthwhile initative. Good Luck