Greetings Inglewood Residents!
Please note the following information regarding events coming to Inglewood on Sunday December 4, 2022!
Fill-a-Fire-Truck and Pancake Breakfast
Taking place at the Fire Hall from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon
Santa visits from 10 am to 11 am
$15 per family, or $10 per family with a donation
All donations help local families in need. Donations accepted include gift cards, non-perishable food items and toys.
Jinglewood Tree Lighting
Taking place at the Stationlands at 6:00 pm
Bonfire and marshmallows, Tractor Rides with Santa, and Hot chocolate provided by Coywolf Coffee
Inglewood Toques for Sale
For sale at the Stationlands during Jinglewood, or email to arrange your purchase
$30 each for the new Exclusive black, white and blue toque
Proceeds go toward helping VIA continue the work we do for our community!

The large majority of volunteers that staff our local Inglewood Fire hall are now in year 10 of proudly collecting toys for Santa.
Please be generous, for a child`s smile, holiday happiness and dreams may hang in the balance.
Want to learn more, check out our previous blog!