This majestic daredevil of the upper thermals was not so long ago on the endangered species list. A probable by-product of many of things highlighted in Rachel Carson’s epic novel, A Silent Spring.
Fortunately this past decade allows us the opportunity to watch dozens of these celestial giants, float almost effortlessly over our non urban environment.
They normally lay a hatch of 1 to 4,on cliff ledges,high lying fallen tree stumps and small cliff caves. Thus the NEC which de-facto creates upper thermals by it`s proximity to the Peel, Halton plains or the Lake Ontario waterfront. This natural treasure becomes a perfect receptacle for these aeronautical marvels.
These Argonaut like wanders, who winter in such exotic locales as Columbia, Venezuela, Costa Rica & parts north, should be a must watch this summer as you drive to the cottage or cruise our verdant countryside on a leisurely weekend.
PS; Spotted, 2 Belted Kingfishers Preening themselves just west of Dixie Road on Olde Base line. Looked liked the start of a family pairing .