Promising a Tumultuous 2019!

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Political socioeconomic issues, such as Brexit, Russian hegemony, Merkeldammerung of Germany, global corporate debt, intellectual hacking, volatility within equity markets, 65 million plus global migrants, Totalitarian toned populism, global warming, etc. will remain contentious and largely unresolved. Most people wonder, why and how, do these distant and murky questions effect my life? Firstly, these hot button […]

20th Anniversary Christmas Celebration Open House

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Accurate Appraisals/Heritage Caledon 20 th Anniversary Celebratory Open House.  Wednesday, December 19th at our Caledon office location You are cordially invited to visit with our elves, snowmen, nutcrackers, reindeer & staff between 1:00-4:00PM the Wednesday. There will be loads of refreshments, food  & festivities.  Don’t miss out! Please RSVP or 905-838-2490.