Mixed Opinions about Canadian Tire Warehouse

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News has come out this week about a 5 million square foot Canadian Tire warehouse potentially being located in Bolton. Check out the full article from the Toronto Sun here: http://www.torontosun.com/2013/09/19/canadian-tire-warehouse-project-divides-bolton There seem to be mixed opinions about the project. The potential increase in traffic volume could be more than this small town could handle, […]

Supporting the Re-Opening of the Caledon Pool

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The bucolic perfectly situated Caledon Central Pool is being threatened with being permanently closed. Here is a perfect opportunity for our Village Associations to speak forcefully about something that has brought immeasurable benefit and pleasure to the many thousand that reside within the Caledon Hills. Please raise your voices in a clear resounding chorus and […]

Upgrading 4 intersections & traffic lights on Highway 10 through south Caledon a promised success!

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in Caledon, Transport Supportive Development, Uncategorized

There have been 583 accidents and counting on Highway 10 inside 2 years plus 65 fatal or near fatal accidents have occurred along a 20 km stretch of highway 10 south of Orangeville. Many at or near our local intersections in the last 30 months. The 410 merger with highway 10, has resulted in the […]