Category: Caledon
A Midnight Summer’s Dream Comes True!
Sabrina Valleau and her Puck like pranksters should be loudly heralded throughout the town for making this dream a reality. May this beautiful floral garden be impetus for all villages thru the hills. Want To Know More? Read More On Our Blog: The Super Generation Is Here!!!
Whistling Swans = Tundra Swans
The Headwaters of Ontario is blessed with thousands of ponds and wetlands. In their annual migrations to the Boreal forest and the Canadian Arctic, millions of birds rest in these areas. This ornithological wonder can be tabulated by following “BirdCast “on the internet. It is sponsored by Cornell University and tracks mainly the nocturnal migration of […]
Caledon Village Farmers Market!
It starts today the Caledon Village farmers market and runs every Friday throughout this month! The Market features local produce and artisans for all to see! Markets open to the public are becoming increasingly popular for people looking for local products, as well as for tourists. Learn more at the link below!
How To De-Skunk Your Pet!
According to the Humane Society of the United States; This homemade de-skunking mixture actually works! 1 litre of 3% hydrogen peroxide 60 ml( 1/4 cup ) baking soda 5 ml (big spoon) liquid dishwashing soap Mix and apply ASAP! We may suggest that you do this outside, a downstairs garage, or perhaps a local spray car wash! Remember to leash […]
People Or Profit
Brampton City council has just decreed that the potential 10 km of OBRY parkland be mothballed. Shamefully the potential for future civic profit appears to be taking precedence over the evident benefit that a million or more Citizens could enjoy by having additional parkland running through their neighborhoods. The big question remains, what will Caledon Town […]
Keeping Caledon Beautiful!
Community Spirit Exemplified by dozens of Boston Miller’s. Citizens of Cheltenham and Inglewood who are tired of municipal doublespeak and inaction. Recently, they came together to clean trash from nearly 4 km of Boston Mills Road over the last few weeks. “On April 24, the Boston Millers got together and collected a pickup truck-full of […]
Stick Handling through a 63 Seat Majority
This June 2nd, all Ontarians have the opportunity to express their political sentiments by casting a ballot. To those that might smirk at our political process with a Cheshire or Cavalier grin. They should remember the words of the recently deceased Congressman John Lewis; “that right to vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the […]
A Tree Grows at the Crossroads!
A hearty farewell followed by a magnanimous gesture. All Caledonian’s should rise in unison to salute Mayor Thompson’s 20 years of dedicated civic service. His philanthropic acts of kindness are well renowned. Allan has been the mayor of Caledon for the last seven and a half years. Prior to his role as mayor, he was […]
“Fortune Favours the Brave”
Requesting 100,000 Donated Trees. Shakespeare once wrote that when Julius Caesar launched his armada in 55 BC to conquer Britain. He had uttered this famous phrase; “Fortune Favours the Brave”! Requesting that our politicians act demonstratively regarding the recently decommissioned OBRC (rail line) might facilitate Caledon the opportunity of receiving 100,000 free trees. The Federal […]