Bobolinks and Meadowlarks Placed on Threatened Species List (Please Support Bird Friendly Hay)

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This month’s version of In The Hills Magazine has a large exposé about these lyrical, long distance fliers that frequent our open grasslands. Supporting bird-friendly hay is a formidable first step in securing the long term habitat essential to their survival. Think twice about where and when your hay was harvested. Experts collectively agree that […]

Cougars & Wolves Living & Prospering in the Headwaters of Ontario; Migration Corridors in Action!

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These last 3 decades have been awash in rumours about the type of wildlife residing through the Headwaters area of Ontario and its resulting watercourses (sorry, no Big Foots). This winter was particularly ripe, due imaginably to the harshness of the winter. These blistery cold last few months resulted in dozens of local folks losing […]

Assisted Migration Corridors

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Since everyone knows that small things can make a big difference, whether it be a smile, an encouraging word, a hospital visit, or just the knowledge that people care, these little gestures can have a profound effect. The implemented concept initiated by the Credit Valley Conservation’s “Bird-Friendly Haying” plan is a great first step along […]

Migrating Monarch Butterflies in “Grave Danger,” Hit New Low – National Geographic

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“Migrating monarch butterflies are in “grave danger,” according to a report that shows their colonies in Mexico now occupy the smallest area since records began in 1993. The report is based on a survey of Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve done in December 2013. The butterflies, which spend the winter hibernating in the reserve’s forest, occupied […]

For Weed Control, Farmers Widen Their Arsenal of Herbicides – The Wall Street Journal

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“U.S. farmers are dousing their fields with a wider array of herbicides, helping some turn a corner in the war on super weeds but adding new costs and environmental concerns. Farmers for a decade have fought weeds that developed resistance to the nation’s dominant weed killer, glyphosate, which is widely sold by Monsanto Co. MON […]